
[健康养生] 戴口罩呼吸不畅怎么办?5个口罩难题解答

时间:2020-4-13 12:20 0 3779 | 复制链接 |


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Since the beginning of the global pandemic, there has been much controversy over whether to wear a mask. However, with the development of the epidemic, more and more regions are beginning to require people to wear masks.


At 00:00 local time on April 1, local government of Jena in eastern Germany decided that from this week, citizens must wear masks in crowded public places such as shops and public transport.


Austrians have also tried wearing masks for shopping on April 1st in accordance with government requirements.


From the perspective of disease prevention and control, wearing a qualified mask can prevent virus infection to a certain extent.


Many people are reluctant to wear masks because they look ugly and cause trouble with breathing and acne. Today, we will discuss problems from mask wearing that everyone cares about.



What to do if I can't breathe

while wearing a mask?


I believe that many friends have a deep understanding of this problem. Wearing masks for a period of time is very uncomfortable. Breathing is difficult, and I feel breathless ... What should I do?


The first solution is the choice of masks. Masks such as N95 have strong air-tightness, and prolonged wearing will be prone to breathing problems. For ordinary people, you can choose disposable surgical masks or disposable nursing masks with less air tightness.


At outdoors where the density of people is not high, you can take the mask off to ventilate when you are uncomfortable then wear it back.


In addition, if the breathing resistance of the mask is significantly increased, it means that you need to replace the mask.



What if I wear a mask every day

and my acne is getting worse?


Wearing a mask every day, and the face forms a relatively closed environment. Bacteria grows easily on moist skin which makes acne worse.


In this regard, Dr. Liu Jie, deputy director of the Dermatology Department at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, has the following suggestion:


Firstly, pay attention to facial cleanliness. If you apply makeup or sunscreen, remove them after you go home. Choose a facial cleanser that is suitable for your skin, rub it on your face, and then wash it away with water.


In particular, do not squeeze the acne that has formed.


In terms of diet, eat less spicy and stimulating foods and less sweets. Eat and sleep in a good rhythm.


If the skin lesions get worse and red pimples or pustules appear, acne further worsens to moderate to severe acne, It is recommended that you ask your family doctor for medication under guidance.


What should I do

if the baby cannot wear a mask?


Indeed, babies wearing masks can easily cause breathing difficulties or even the risk of suffocation, so how should parents protect their babies? This video might help.


What can I do if my glasses

will fog when I wear a mask?


Long-term mask wearing is annoying to those who wear glasses.


In China, many people choose to press the glasses on the mask which will increase the distance between the eyeglass lens and the eyeball and cause visual fatigue over time.


For masks with good air tightness N95 and above, it is recommended to squeeze the metal frame on the upper edge of the mask. Fogging often indicates that the wearing is not standard.

如果是气密性较好 N95 及以上的口罩,建议压紧口罩的上缘的金属边框,起雾往往说明佩戴不标准。

There is another way that everyone can try. Before wearing a mask, fold the paper towel into a strip then place it under the metal strip of the mask. In this may fogging of the glasses can be eased.


Of course, this method is limited to ordinary medical masks. It is not applicable to N95 masks.



What should I do if I have indentations

on my face after wearing a mask?


If it is a mild indentation, it is generally not necessary to treat it. If the indentation is relatively heavy, or local subcutaneous stasis occurs, you can choose some topical ointments that can improve skin blood circulation.


If the skin problem gets worse with redness and swelling, you can use a band-aid or medical dressing on the damaged area to avoid further irritation of the wound.


After removing the mask, clean the skin and use some emollients appropriately to improve the skin condition.


If the skin injury is severe with serious infections or allergies , you must consult your family physician timely, or go to the hospital for treatment if necessary.


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