The country was poor , people were pity.Here in Manila , even the citizen ,pino , no enough job position offer , no enough food for the people , and many of them were homeless. Life here extrmly no easy . Every thing is so expensive and hard to find a job.
Despite the economey run so good in china .why so many chinese young men come to Manila? what is the purpose they are ?
Most of them were no educated , can not speak english , no technoleg or industry experience..... Most of them , the family was poor , not support from their family .
Here is Manila where the life is really not easy , even the citizen stiill hard to find a job. Those young people from China , and HOW CAN THEY EARN THE LIFE HERE ?
You told me , you have the job here , and you sell the LIANGHAO (Lucky cell phone number ) and sell the small box can see the TV from internet called AnBo-BOX . And i not belive you , this can not feed youself in such an expensive and ruthless city.
I said LONGYOU , if you were such people , just come back where you come from .