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DSC0005.jpg 与他的前任、段子手、话痨、重度抽动秽语综合症患者老杜相比,小马科斯可以称得上当代菲律宾首屈一指的心灵鸡汤导师。

  Vice President Sara Zimmerman Duterte,former Presidents Joseph Ejercito Estrada,Gloria Macapagal Aroyo and RodrigoRoa Dutert,Senate President Juan Zubiri and the Honorable members of theSenate, House speaker Ferdinand Martin Romualdez and the Honorable members ofthe House Representatives,Chief Justice Alexander Gesmundo, and the Honorablejustices of the Supreme court, The Apostolic Nuncio most reverent Charles JohnBrown and The esteemed members of the Diplomatic corps, The Honorable membersof the cabinet, Our first lady Louise Araneta Marcos and our children.
  Distinguished guests, My beloved fellowFilipinos, Ladies and Gentlemen Good Afternoon to each and everyone.
  I come before you today to address youas it is my duty asPresident of TheRepublic. We live in difficult times brought about some forces of our ownmaking but certainly also by forces that are beyond our control, but we have,and we will continue to find solutions and these are some of the. In terms ofeconomy we will implement the sound fiscal management tax Administrationreforms will be in place to increase Revenue Collection expenditure prioritieswill be realigned and spending efficiency will be improved to immediatelyaddress the economic scarring arising from the effects covid-19 and also toprepare for future shocks. Productivity and enhancing investments will bepromoted our capitalizing on the corporate recovery and tax incentives forEnterprises who the create law and the economic liberalization laws such as thepublic Service Act and the foreign investments Act. Eco zones will befully  supported to bring in strategicIndustries such as those engaged in high-tech manufacturing health and MedicalCare and all emerging Technologies this is also seen to facilitate economicgrowth outside of Metro Manila. Our tax system will be adjusted in order tocatch up with the rapid development of the digital economy including theimposition of value added tax on digital service providers the initial RevenueImpact will be around eleven point seven billion pesos in 2023 alone. Taxcompliance procedures would be simplified to promote he’s of paying taxes wewill pursue measures to determine possible undervaluation and or trade MissInvoicing of imported goods. Through information and communications technologythe Bureau of Customs will promote streamlined processes. Disbursements for2022 to 2023 will be maintained at above 20 percent of gross domestic or fourpoint nine five five pesos and five point zero eight six trillion pesosrespectively to ensure continuous implementation of priority programs.Disbursement will further increase over the medium term from five point four zerotwo trillion or 20,7 percent of our GDP in 2024 27.7 1/2 trillion pesos or20.6% of GDP in 2028. The medium fiscal strategy of this Administration seeksto attain short macro fiscal stability while remaining supportive of thecountry’s economic recovery and to promote medium fiscal sustainability,furthermore and more importantly fiscal policy aims to bring together thenational governments resources so that these are mobilized and utilize in orderto gain the maximum benefit and the high multiplier effects for our economy.Measurable medium-term macro economic and fiscal objectives include thefollowing headline numbers, these are based on forecast that are consistentwith a guiding principles of coherence of strategies policy discipline andfiscal sustainability 6.5 to 7.5% Real gross domestic product growth in 2022,6.5 to 8%  real GDP growth annuallybetween 2023 and 2028, 9% or single digit poverty rate by 2028, 33% nationalgovernment deficit to GDP ratio by 2028, less that 60% national government debtto GDP ratio by 2025. At least 4,256USD income per capital and the attainmentof upper middle income status by 2024. The aforementioned headline goalssummarize the objectives of this medium-term fiscal strategy being submitted toCongress for its adoption and concurrence. The concurrent resolution by theSenate and House of Representatives, once adopted the MTFF will become ananchor for the annual spending and financing plan of the national governmentand Congress when preparing the annual budget and undertake appropriationactivities. It is therefore forward-looking document that extends beyond thetraditional three year Horizon to reach six years coinciding with 2023 to 2028.VMTFF also promotes transparency and credible commitment to pursue the indicatedsocial macroeconomic goal that optimize the government budget. Medium termgrowth targets and the assumptions regarding key, macroeconomic variablesunderpin the medium term fiscal plan. The recent past and he covid-19 pandemichas to be said the macroeconomic environment with challenges and the series ofexternal shocks, inflation has accelerated in recent months due largely tosignificant increases in international prices of oil and other key commoditiesstill the economic growth momentum remains firm as demonstrated by strong 2022first quarter GDP growth at 8.3%, However the recovery process from the impactof the pandemic is still ongoing, I mean elevated uncertainty in theinternational economic environment.Revisions in the macro economic assumptionsincorporate these challenges and most recent economic developments leading toupward adjustments in the following;

DSC0006.jpg 小马科斯上台以来,他的演讲小编已经认认真真学习3场了。包括这次的国情咨文,3场演讲的风格均为大灌心灵鸡汤。  Inflation rate for 2020 to 2023,foreign exchange rate for 2023-2025 and goods and services Imports growth for2022. The economy is expected to grow by 6.5 to 7.5% this year as we continueto open the economy while considering the recent external developments. In thefirst quarter alone GDP saw an increase in household consumption and privateInvestment along with a robust Manufacturing industry High vaccination rateimproved Health Care capacity and upward Trend in tourism and employment, thisis expected to continue for the rest of the year.The strong economic growth isprojected to be sustained and expand further to 6.5 to 8% from 2023 until 2028.The average inflation for 2022 is projected to range from 4.5 to 5.5% followingthe uptick in fuel and food prices as a result in the ongoing Russia andUkraine conflict and that this disrupted supply chains. It I slightly adjustedto 2.5 to 4.5% in 2023 and the scene to return to the target range of 2.0 to4.0% by 2024 until 2028. Dubai crude price is expected to settle at 90 to 110USD per barrel in 2022, 80 to 100 USD per barrel in 2023 and 70 to 90 USD perbarrel from 2024 onwards as oil supply is expected to catch up ad stabilizeover the medium term. The Philippine peso is projected to average between 51 to53 pesos per dollar in 2022 and 51 to 5 pesos per US dollar from 2023 onwardsdue to aggressive monetary policy tightening by the US Federal Reserve. Marketthe version and then the Russian Ukraine conflict again increased Global oilprices. Lastly exports of goods are expected to grow by 7% in 2022 and 6% from2023 to 2028. On the other hand, Imports of goods are projected to grow by 18%in 2022 and 6% in 2023 and 8% from 2024 to 2028. I have instructed the netherto coordinate with other agencies and work on the Philippine development planfor 2023-2028 and to submit to me the complete blueprint and progress of itsimplementation not later than year end. One of the main drivers of our push forgrowth will be in the agricultural sector regarding food supply. We areconfronted by a two-pronged problem that which will hit us in the short termand that which will hit us in the long term. We are all facing all the problemswhich are temporary and even long-term challenges. The problems that mayurgently felt by our fellow Filipinos is the possibility in continuous increasein commodities and lack of food supply. To support the buyers and to continuethe consistency in purchasing power, it was made an analysis by the Republic ofAgriculture regarding the plan to increase the production in planting season ina way of help with the financial and technical support. We are giving anopportunity to lend money while we are closer in agriculture, the cheapest farminputs to buy will be paid full by the government. Including here theprepayment, pesticides, seedling, fuel subsidy and help for the worthybeneficiary. For a longer solution we are going to increase the tradeproduction in agriculture and for this to happen we will strengthen this what wecall value chain starting from the farmers to the buyers. There are parts invalue chain that for the mean time it is respectively made for the operation,lets strengthen the coordination of the different parts. To find new ways inplanting and taking care of the animals will be guided by the department ofagriculture. The production of farm inputs needed by the farmers, in improving thequality of farming to be adjusted due to climate change and global warmingaccordingly. The financial assistants from the farmers and fishermen are goingto be an institution of the policy to our administration. We will prioritizethe modernization of farming using improved and newest technology. We willwiden our animal farms, poultry, and piggery. all of these will be applied withscience to make the agriculture production increase.The postproduction and processing will besupported by the Government. We will create a national network for farm tomarket road for easiest and fastest transportation of goods to the market. Andwe will make ways for the buyers to feel the decreasing of the product prices,such as opening back the Kadiwa centers.
  It cannot be done in one day. It cannotbe done in just one month or one year. Nevertheless, we must start it now.
  The Agrarian Reform must continuerolling. Agrarian reform is not only about acquisition but also supportservices and distribution. To assist this, I intend to issue an executive orderto impose a 1-year moratorium on land amortization and interest payments.

DSC0007.jpg 在口口不离putang ina mo的老杜的衬托下,最初的这段日子里心灵鸡汤还是很有效的。不过,心灵鸡汤不能当饭吃,过上一段时间就不好说了。
  This is included in Republic Act 11469or the Bayanihan to Heal As One Act. A moratorium will give the farmers theability to channel their resources in developing their farms. Maximizing theircapacity to produce and propel the growth of our economy. Civil SocietyOrganizations also support this, because it will unburden the farmers of theirdues and be able to focus on improving farm productivity. Congress must alsopass a law that will emancipate the agrarian reform beneficiaries from theagrarian reform death burden; thereby amending section 26 of Republic Act 6657.In this law, the loans of the Agrarian Reforms beneficiaries with unpaidamortization and interest shall be condoned.
  The purpose of this law is to eradicatethe unpaid debts(loans) of our farmers who are beneficiaries of the AgrarianReform. Agrarian Reform beneficiaries who are still to receive their awardedland under the comprehensive Agrarian Reform program shall receive it withoutany obligation to pay any amortization. The condonation of existing AgrarianReform loan will cover the amount of 58.125 billion pesos benefiting 654thousand Agrarian Reform beneficiaries and involving a total of 1.18 millionhectares of awarded lands.
  Executive order no.75, series 2019,requires all governments, agencies, bureaus, departments, and instrumentalitiesto turn over agricultural lands to qualified Agrarian Reform beneficiaries. Atpresent, we have a total of 52 thousand hectares of unused agricultural landsof the government which shall now be used for distribution to the followingsectors, in accordance with section 40 of the Republic Act No 6657 as amended.Thus, landless war veterans, landless surviving spouse and orphans of the warveterans, landless retirees of the armed forces of the Philippines and thePhilippine National Police. Agricultural lands acquired under this program willbe given to graduates of college degrees of Agriculture who are landless.
  The toll of the times is for theinfusion of fresh and new blood in the agriculture sector. We need a new breedof farmers equipped with modern agricultural technology able to engage insustained scientific farming that will not only increase farm yields but alsoresilient in the climate change.
  They say that each brand has a story.As for the Filipino brand ours is deeply rooted in our rich cultural heritageand the tourism sector placed an invaluable role in the promotion of theFilipino brand. Tourism is not only an important development tool, but theabundance of opportunities that the sector creates in terms of regularemployment and even job creation at the grass roots level is undeniable. Toboost our tourism industry, we’ll first and foremost make basic development,such as road improvements for easier access to tourism spots. We will alsoupgrade our airports and create more international airports to help decongestthe bottleneck in the Manila airport. We will also make it more convenient fortravelers to go around the country even to remote areas to help promoteundiscovered tourist spots. This program will be led by the Department ofTourism together with the Department of Public Works and Highways.
  To foster the Filipino brand is tospark our sense of pride and reaffirm our strong sense of identity. It is timeto welcome the rest of the world with an enhanced Filipino brand that isunique, attractive and creative. The creativity of the Filipinos is truly worldclass. We excel in arts and culture, new media, live events, avenues whichgenerate primary and downstream jobs for our creative and talented countrymen.

DSC0008.jpg 小马科斯的心灵鸡汤有多有效呢?在他口吐莲花的时候,连主席台上见多识广的参、众两院议长都情不自禁地击节赞叹。
  Unfortunately, all these livelihoodsare the first being affected by the pandemic but the last to get up again tonormal. The creative industry likewise faces many challenges includingworkplace conditions, working hours, intellectual property rights and thewelfare our beloved freelancers who were left vulnerable during the height ofthe pandemic. We require an institutionalized creative industry that willadvance the interest of its stakeholders. They who lift the spirit and identityof being a Filipino. Let’s protect them. The Department of Social Welfare andDevelopment has a large part to play in all of this. The assistance and supportfor our countrymen who are needy will continue. We will not abandon them. TheDepartment of Social Welfare and Development will take the lead in accompanyingthem. It is my plea/order to the DSWD to provide fast relief and support to thevictims of calamities and other crisis. Their field offices have been given thetask to early prepare and reserve family food packs and non-food essentials toLGUs before any calamity occur. We will have additional operation centers,warehouse for relief goods especially for the remote areas that are difficultto reach. We will ensure a better coordination between DSWD and Department ofHuman Settlement and Urban Development for faster implementation of emergencycenter assistance program for disaster or calamity victims.
  We will strengthen a more comprehensiveassistance to individuals in crisis situation or what we call AICS to make suredeliveries of helps to the victims. We will not make things difficult for thosewho will ask help from the agencies, instead, we will make it easier for themto ask and receive help, because we should knot add more salt to the wounds andcause more pain to our countrymen. To ensure that aid goes to the qualifiedfamilies through 4Ps or Pantawid para sa mga Pilipino Program, we willabsolutely clear up the list of the beneficiaries. More than a million nameshave graduated from the list, and I am glad to announce that they can now standon their own. In addition to that, I have asked the DSWD to extend and affirmreview of the list, to focus extending enough aid to the neediest family. Wewill continue the supplemental feeding program for children from the ChildDevelopment Centers and Supervised Neighborhood Play which we will widen in theyear 2023.
  Of course, we are not forgetting thesolo parents and mothers who got separated from their husbands because ofabuse. We will strengthen the Violence Against Women and their Childrenprogram, including the counseling for victims, in partner with the LGUs. Let’sensure enough funds to almost 70 Residential and non-Residential Care Centersfor the vulnerable sectors and persons with disabilities.
  In terms of the health section, thethreat of covid-19 is still going on, especially with the newly discoveredvariants, nevertheless, we can no longer stand another lockdown. No morelockdown. We see to it that we balance the health and welfare of the Filipinopeople and the economy of our country. Various agencies are working together inmonitoring covid-19 hospital admission to ensure enough healthcare system tocontrol the number of cases. The vaccine booster for widen defense iscontinuously rolling out. Said that, no matter how cases increase, the numberof hospitalized and deaths reports decreases. Until we will eventually getacquainted with the presence of the virus with less threats to every life.Health protocols will be adjusted in accordance with what our country needs. Wewill strengthen private sectors cooperation to increase confidence of the stakeholders,to make sure we can get back whole capacity of what we’ve lost particularlybusinesses.
  We will improve dissemination ofcorrect information about covid including the importance of vaccine. In themeantime, the alert level system will remain. Different classification methodsare being studied to suit the current situation especially with the change ofcovid.
  With thecooperation of the congress, will be established our own center for diseasecontrol and prevention, and one vaccine institute. We will build additionalhealth centers and hospitals.


  But beyondissues that the pandemic has brought, the need for a stronger health caresystem is self-evident. We must bring medical services to the people and notwait for them to come to our hospitals and health care centers. We benefitgreatly from big specialty hospitals such as Heart Center and Lung Center,Children’s Hospital and National Kidney and Transplant Institute. It is veryclear that it should not only be here in the National Capital Region but alsoin various parts of the country that we must add more centers as mentioned.Besides this, in a way for us to bring health care center to the people withoutthem coming to the city, province or region; we will put clinics, RHU wheredoctors, nurses, midwives, and MedTech can visit once to twice a week. Thiswill help the sick easier and faster access to treatment without having totravel far. One of the cornerstones of a strong health care system is theprovision of competent and efficient medical professionals. We will exert alleffort to improve the welfare of our doctors, our nurses and other medicalfrontliners. We must also have enough medical supplies for everyday needs ofthe people. I already started negotiating with the drug companies here in thePhilippines and from other countries. We are encouraging them to open the marketso that the price of the drug will get lower, cheaper. If the market of genericor non-branded medicinal drugs increases the price decreases due to greatercompetition.
  The Departmentof Trade and Industry is already talking to those interested generic drugmanufacturers for the import. I am also giving order to the PhilippineCompetition Commission to provide fair and with no cartel in the pharmaceuticalcompanies’ sector. If this market opens, and the price decreases, the citizenwill then benefit on it. This is one of the hard lessons that we learned whenthe pandemic struck and therefore, we must act on that shortcoming.
  I believe it istime for our children to return to full face to face classes once again. TheDepartment of Education, led by our highly abled Vice-President Sara Duterte isnow preparing in the implementation of the upcoming school year. With utmostconsideration to the safety of the students as we are still in the middle ofcovid-19 pandemic. We must ensure that our classrooms are safe for ourteachers, for students and the entire academic community when they return toface-to-face classes. We continue to encourage everyone to get their boostershots in preparation for the resumption of in-person classes. This is one ofthe reasons I have directed the Department of Health and the Department ofInterior and Local Government to undertake another roll-out of booster shots.The conditions and availability of schools’ rooms for our students must also beaddressed, again, in the coordination with the Department of Public Works andHighways. Those some complications have a reason over the question of repair ofschool buildings in relation to the Mandanas Garcia ruling, this will be ironout. We’ve been in discussions with local government leaders, governors, andmayors for the last few weeks, to determine with the LGUs, what is actuallypracticable, what functions belong to the LGUs, and what belong to the NationalGovernment. There has also been lengthy discussion in the continuation andviability of a K-12 school system. We are giving this a careful review, and allnecessary inputs and points of view are now being considered. In the longerterm, we are instituting a program of refresher courses and re-training for ourteachers so they can stay abreast with the rapid growth of technologyespecially in this post-pandemic world. As for the horror stories that we haveheard about the poor quality of educational materials and supplies that arebeing given to our schools-this must end.

DSC00010.jpg 如果穿衣打扮像下围棋一样有段位的话,参议员艾美·马科斯毫无疑问是和李昌镐一样的九段高手。
  Our childrenmust always be equipped with all the best that we can provide. Education is theonly thing we for pass on to our children that can never be wasted. That’s why,as parents, no matter how much the expenses for their education, we are notstingy not wasting.
  And once again,I am not talking about history or what is being taught. I am talking aboutmaterials that are necessary for effective teaching. Children now needconnectivity to the internet. They need devices to use, they need computers,educational tools so that they might participate fully in the digital communityhere and abroad, we must do better in the international rankings especiallywhen it comes to this so-called Stem Subjects (Science, Technology, Engineeringand Mathematics). These skills, this knowledge is necessary for our youngpeople to be able to compete in a highly technological and competitive world.The raw talent is there in our young people. It is up to our educational systemto develop and to refine that great pool of talents. Foreign employers havealways favored Filipino employees because of our command of the EnglishLanguage. This is an advantage that we must continue to enjoy. The internet hasnow become the global marketplace not only for goods, services, but also forideas even extending to our own personal interactions. And the language ofinternet for better or for worse is English; therefore, the question of ourmedium of instruction must be continuously re-examined to maintain thatadvantage that we have established an English-speaking people. On a relatedsubject, we are entering an age of an exponential adaption of technology. It isthe fourth industrial revolution. This will be characterized by the infusion oftechnology into almost every facet of our lives. Breakthrough technologies inthe areas of quantum computing, artificial intelligence, nanotechnologies, theinternet of things, robotic, self-driving electric vehicles, 3D printing,virtual, and augmented realities among others that will radically transform theway business is done. The scale and the speed at which these innovations areintroduced universally in our everyday lives and activities is unprecedented inour recorded history. We cannot idly stand by. The mission of our Department ofInformation and Communications Technology is to identify and utilize theseinnovations to improve governance. It has the daunting task now of transformingour government into an agile bureaucracy that is responsive to the needs of thepublic. Provide good and solid data to ensure informed decision making, as wellas allow secure and seamless access to public services. The voluminous recordsstored in the government warehouses and archives must be digitized. Those thatare already stored in various inventories of data should be harmonized andshared across departments and agencies. These must be kept in large datacenters that are secured yet accessible. The National ID will play an importantpart in this digital transformation. For citizens to be able to seamlesslytransact with government, their identity must be easily verifiable. We expectto issue 30 million physical IDs and 20 million digital IDs by the end of thisyear. The target is to accomplish the issuance of about 92 million IDs by themiddle of next year. As the world moves to rapid digitalization, the digitaldivide will become more pronounced. The depth and breath at which thesetechnologies will be transformative in our lives is fully expected. This willopen new opportunities for the creation of wealth but will also likely createsinequalities. Hence, universal connectivity will be a vital component to ensurethat no citizen is left behind. I have therefore tasked the DICT to deploydigital connectivity across our various islands. This will be done through theimplementation of the national broadband plan, the common tower program,connecting our geographical isolated and disadvantaged areas via our NASAbroadband project. All relevant modes of digital transport should be utilized.These may be through a combination of terrestrial or submarine, fiber, optics,wireless and even satellite technology. As our public service act has openedthe doors and removed the restrictions on foreign investment, we foresee anincrease in direct investment of overseas players. This will translate betterquality, availability and affordability of telecommunications services all overthe country.

DSC00011.jpg 动作巨星、杜特尔特男孩、新科参议员罗宾·帕迪拉这身带有穆斯林风格的草绿色礼服在出席的男嘉宾中拔得头筹。

  We come now toinfrastructure. The backbone of an economy is infrastructure. Theinfrastructure program of the Duterte administration must not only continue butwherever possible be expanded. We shall confidently build on this firmfoundation established by my predecessor as it is in building edifice. We mustkeep the momentum and build better, more. Necessarily infrastructuredevelopment will remain a very high priority in our drive of growth andemployment. Once again, I will not suspend any on going projects as those havealready been shown to be of benefit to the public that they serve. We willcontinue to study the proposals that have been made. Infrastructure developmentspending will be sustained at five to six percent of GDP. The planned expansionof infrastructure projects, I believe would be possible if we continue toencourage the participation of the private sector in the development of ourprograms. Public-Private Partnerships or PPPs hold great potential for thatexpansion. For infrastructure development and for innovation. Ourinfrastructure development has a primary importance as it is a necessaryelement to improve many other sectors, to include, agriculture, tourism,general economic activity and even to governance.
  It is my beliefalso, that we have missed some great opportunities to develop our railtransport system. It is clear in my mind, the railways offer great potential asit continues to be the cheapest way of transporting goods and passengers. Wecan build upon already existing lines by modernizing these old railway systems.There are dozens of railway projects on the ground, above the ground, belowground; not just in Manila but in other regions at various stages ofimplementation with a combined cost of 1.9 trillion pesos. This administrationis committed to finish building the current portfolioof investment approved railway projects suchas the North-South commuter railway system, the 33 km Metro Manila subwayproject, the 147 km North-South commuter railway system, the 12 km LRT1 Caviteextension, the 23 km MRT 7 and the common station that will connect LRT1, MRT3and MRT7. And beyond NCR, larger scale railway systems like the 102 km Mindanaorailway project, the Panay railway project, and the Cebu railway system will beintegrated as a vital part of our transport and communication systems. We willalso continue to improve or roads and transportation systems in key citiesthroughout the country to various projects such as Cebu Bus rapid transit,Davao high priority bus system, Ilocos Norte transportation hub, and the ElNido Transport terminal. My order to the Department of Transportation or DTR isreally very simple. Full speed ahead.
  Improving ourrailway system along with modernizing existing airports and seaports willmaximize our strategic location in the Pacific and connect our many islands. Akey in our transformation plans is that of energy. Another fundamentalrequirement for growth and increased employment will be the availability ofcheap, reliable energy. This even comes under the category of ease of doingbusiness. If we are to attract investors both local and foreign to set up shopshere in the Philippines.
  At present, ourdemand for energy far exceeds our reliable supply. We must increase the levelof energy production. We must look at every possible option that would beappropriate for the Philippines situation. There is a room to expand ourpresent power supply through existing power sources, but this is only to a verylimited extent. We must build new power plants. We must take advantage of allthe best technology that is now available especially in the areas of renewableenergy. Our search for new power sources should always be with an eye toimproving the mixed energy supply between traditional and renewable sources.The technology on renewable energy is progressing rapidly and many of thesetechnologies are appropriate for the Philippines. We have already begunwindmill power. We are now expanding very quickly our solar power productionfor both offshore and onshore wind turbines for example. The world bank hascalculated that there is a potential for 255 gigawatts by the year of 2013.

DSC00012.jpg 出席聆听小马科斯发布国情咨文演讲的全体参议员合影。在这其中有一对母子(维拉)、一对姐弟(卡耶塔诺)和一对异母兄弟(埃斯特拉达),政治家族在菲律宾的影响力有增无减。华裔的影响力与上届相比继续保持不变,还是邦·吴和张侨伟两位。
  Solar power hassteadily increased its efficiency in converting sunlight to electrical powerwhich is particularly attractive for the Philippines. Because unlike windpower, solar power is practical almost everywhere in the Philippines all yearround. In the move to lowering our carbon footprint caused by energyproduction, our advancement to renewable will have a lead time. In the interim,natural gas will hold the key. We will provide investment incentives byclarifying uncertain policy in upstream gas particularly in the area close toMalampaya. This requires clarification of the processes and review of servicecontract policy. I believe that it is time to re-examine building nuclear powerplants in the Philippines. We will comply of course with the internationalatomic energy agency regulations for nuclear power plants as they have beenstrengthened after Fukushima. In the area of nuclear power, there have been newtechnologies developed that allow smaller scale modular nuclear plants andother derivations thereof. Once again, PPPs will paly a part in support asfunding in this period is limited. Furthermore, we must examine the entiresystem of transmission and distribution for the purpose of finding ways tolower the price of energy to the consumer and to the industry. We must expand anetwork of our transmission lines while examining schemes to improve theoperation of our electrical cooperatives. All this in aid of reducing energycost especially but not limited to households. All this impetus for developmentand growth, we undertake within the context of accelerating climate change andextreme weather conditions. Though we are a minor contributor to the climatechange globally, we have the unfortunate distinction of being one of the mostvulnerable countries to the effects of climate change.For the welfare of our people, it isincumbent upon us to alleviate the effect of that vulnerability. The use ofrenewable energy is at the top of our climate agenda. We will increase our useof renewable energy sources such as hydropower, geothermal power, solar andwind. Geographically, we are naturally disaster-prone country. Capacitybuilding for our natural disaster resiliency is therefore a must. Investment inscience and technology is imperative to enable us to have accurate weatherforecasts and on-time disaster alerts. Studies show that already now, manyareas in the Philippines are at high risk from the rise of sea level broughtabout by the increase in global temperature. We must adapt to this phenomenonwith disaster proof planning for our communities. We will also look to theprecarious fresh water supply situation in the country especially in our urbanareas. Many of our water supplies systems are way back to the 1950s and theymust now be rehabilitated and improved. I’ve instructed the DENR together withthe DPWH to explore possible partnerships with the private sector to addressthis critical situation. The Philippines has excellent laws on the environment,but we must guarantee that these laws are properly enforced. And this will requirea great deal of coordination and cooperation between concerned governmentagencies and private stakeholders. Companies who exploit our natural resourcesmust follow the law. We all have the responsibility to preserve this earth forwe are both custodians and we will pass on this great treasure to futuregenerations. There is no question that the preservation of the environment isthe preservation of life. If we cannot mitigate climate change, all our plansfor the economy, all our plans for our future will be none.
  Every Filipinofrom the parts of the islands, trying to leave their homes to find jobs inother parts of the world, must have a government they can consider a home whilein other nation. This is the role to be led by the Department of MigrantWorkers after it was declared an official government agency for 1 year. Thisdepartment will be the refuge of our fellow workers who are amid an uncertainworld and in great competition. This agency will provide them opportunities andwill make sure that the jobs offered to them are in accordance with theirskills. Ensures that the wage they receive from their companies is accurate andprotects the workers’ families while they are away. We will do this byeradicating red tape by advancing digital empowerment system. We shall automatethe verification of contracts and issue secure overseas employmentcertifications that you can keep on your smartphone. I call on the departmentof Migrant Workers and DICT to make this a top priority. I also call theDepartment of Foreign Affairs to assist with the department of Migrant workersto ensure that all diplomatic posts will help all overseas workers who losttheir jobs because of the pandemic in the speed up of getting back to work.From three months, we will reduce it to three weeks for foreign employers toprocess all necessary employment documents for the workers they will employ intheir country of company. We will also call the attention of the agency torevise the handbook of rules and regulations of OFWs. This is to make transactionsabout their working abroad easier to access. The handbook with 240 sectionswill be revised into a pamphlet with not more than 100 pages. Life is alreadydifficult, that’s why we must not add more hardships to our overseas workers inreaching their dreams.To our countrymenstuck in chaos, abuse, in life-threatening situations; I am happy to announcethat under my administration, we will build a one repatriation command centeror ORCC. We will allocate one social media platform and hotline from the Dep’tof Migrant workers for easier access of assistance and support and rescue fromany kind of danger.
  In the past, amother would sort to borrowing money just to leave for Manila and ask help fromdifferent agencies to get their child back from their abusive employer. Now, wewill take the initiative to call the parents of the OFW to inform them whenthey can be with children again. We will contact the Saudi Arabia Agency toagain open deployment. We can and we will negotiate with them to give our OFWsproper salary and provide protection on rights and conditions. We willstrengthen respect between the two countries. In the coming months, Sec. SusanOple will be going to Saudi Arabia to ensure that there is enough forceensuring the reopening of OFWs employment and promote our platform againsthuman trafficking.

DSC00013.jpg 提起家族政治,杜特尔特家族是最无法被绕开的。这是杜特尔特兄妹在现场的合影,这也是近半年来俩人首次公开同框。
  To the childrenof OFWs left behind here in the Philippines, the Dep’t of Migrant Workers throughOWWA will ensure better education for them that will teach them financialliteracy, mental wellness, sports, arts, and culture. This will happen throughthe coordination and cooperation between the different government agencies.Let’s take care of the Filipino youth for they are the future of our country.To the Filipinos abroad, you deserve a home in the government, not only for themoney that you send home, but you are not cold tools of the economy. Youdeserve it for all your sacrifices for our country and your perseverance andexcellence in the global arena. You OFWs represent the fighting faith of theFilipinos as a nation and as a people. Let us transform your overseas journeyinto inspirational stories for all time. Thanks to you our dear legislators,and of course to the man every ofw now refers to as their tatay, presidentRodrigo Duterte, you passed the law that created this new home for our ofws.
  On the area offoreign policy, I will not preside over any process that will abandon even one squareinch of the territory of the Republic of the Philippines to any foreign power.With respect to our place in the community of nations, the Philippines shallcontinue to be a friend to all, an enemy to none. The Philippines has alwaysbeen open and welcoming to all our foreign friends and visitors. That is ourworld view, that is our culture. But let me be clear. We are jealous of allthat is filipino. We will be a good neighbor, always looking for ways tocollaborate and cooperate with the end goal of mutually beneficial outcomes. Ifwe agree, we will cooperate and work together, and if we differ, let us talksome more until we develop a consensus. After all, that is the Filipino way.But we will not waiver. We will stand firm in our independent foreign policywith a national interest as our primordial guide. We commit to maintaining goodrelations with the rest of the world. As a matter of fact, it is my sincerebelief that the need for a strong bonds and collaboration among nations emergesin the direst of times, such as in a pandemic. The partnerships and alliancesthat we make with all will provide stability that all nations will need as weemerge into this new global economy. The Philippines will continue to promotestronger and multifaceted relationships with all our partners around the world.We are in fact grateful for the messages of support and offers of help that wehave received from many of our friends in the international community. This hasbeen communicated to us from the different envoys and ambassadors here in thePhilippines. Such strong relationships can only be beneficial to all involved.
  As I am heretoday addressing the legislature, allow me now to propose legislation that wewould like you to pass in support to these programs.
1.Nationalgovernment rights sizing program. A reform mechanism that seeks to enhance thegovernment’s institutional capacity to perform its mandate and to providebetter services while ensuring optimal and efficient use of resources. Comparedto previous government reorganization efforts, the NGRP will entail acomprehensive strategic review of the functions, operations, organizationssystem and processes of the different agencies. And massive andtransformational initiatives in agencies concerned such as mergers,consolidation, splitting, transfer, and even the abolition of some offices. Theright sizing efforts will Also involve the conduct of a comprehensive strategicreview of functions, programs and projects that will cut across variousagencies.

DSC00014.jpg 如果要问谁是现场最靓的仔,小马科斯的儿子、年仅28岁的新科众议员桑铎绝对当之无愧。
2.Abudget modernization bill. That seeks to institutionalize the cash-basedbudgeting system under executive order no. 91 series 2019 to strengthen fiscaldiscipline in the allocation and use of budget resources by ensuring that everypeso budgeted by the government would lead to the actual delivery of programsand projects. The full implementation of the CBS is timely and vital as thegovernment executes response and recovery plans post pandemic.
3.Taxpackage reevaluation reform bill. This bill provides for the; a) establishmentof real property values and valuation standards across the country; b) adevelopment of real property information system that provides for the databaseof all real property transaction and declaration in the country.
4.PassiveIncome and Intermediary Taxation Act. This seeks to reform the taxation of capitalincome and financial services by redesigning the financial sector taxation intosimpler, fairer, more efficient and a revenue neutral tax system. It alsorepresents to adopt a regionally competitive tax system.
5.E-governmentAct. Which provides for the establishment of the e-government master plan whichshall cover all e-government services and processes.
6.Theinternet transaction Act or e-commerce law. Aims to establish an effectiveregulation of commercial activities through the internet or electronic means toensure that consumer rights and data privacy are protected, innovation isencouraged, fair advertising practices and competitions are promoted. Onlinetransactions are secure, intellectual property rights and products standardsare observed.
7.   GovernmentFinancial Institutions Unifies initiatives to distress enterprises for economicrecovery. This seeks to provide financial assistance to distressed enterprisescritical to economic recovery through programs and initiatives to beimplemented by the landbank of the Philippines, the Development Bank of thePhilippines and the Philippines Guarantee Corporation for purposes ofaddressing liquidity or solvency problems of MSMes and strategically importantindustries to encourage their continued operation and maintain employment.
8.Establishmentof Medical Reserve Corps under the health and emergency management bureau ofthe DOH. The MRC shall be composed of licensed physicians, medical students whohave completed their four years of medical courses, graduate of medicine,registered nurses and licensed health professionals.
9.Nationaldisease Prevention Management Authority. This bill seeks to create the centerfor disease prevention and control attached to the Doh.
10.Creationof Virology Institute of the Philippines. This will create the virology scienceand technology institute of the Philippines as an attached agency of the DOST.All offices under the dost with functions will now be transferred to the virologyinstitute of the ph.

DSC00015.jpg 那么最靓的妹子必定是来自宿务的新科旅游部长克里斯蒂娜·加西亚·弗朗斯克
11.TheDep’t of water Resources. Adopts the integrated water resource management asthe strategic framework for national water management policy making andplanning.
12.Unifiedsystem of separation retirement and pension. Granting monthly disabilitypension in lieu of disability the benefits provided under existing laws formilitary and uniform personnel retired by reasons of disability.
13.E-governanceact. Promotes the use of internet and other ICT to provide opportunities forcitizen.
14.Nationalland use Act. For rational and holistic management and development of ourcountry’s land and water resources hold owners accountable for making theselands productive and sustainable. Strengthen LGUs to manage ecological balancewithin its jurisdiction. Provides for land use and physical planning frameworkas a mechanism in determining policies and principles to implement thislegislative measures.
15.Thenational defense act. To amend antiquated national defense act of 1935 for achange in the military structure of the armed forces of the Philippines that ismore responsive to current and future non-conventional security threats to thecountry’s territorial integrity and national sovereignty.
16.MandatoryReserve Officers Training Corps and National Service Training Program.Reinstitute ROTC program as a mandatory component of senior high programs,grade 11-12 in all public and private tertiary level educational institution.Aims to motivate, train, organizer and mobilize students for national defensepreparedness including disaster preparedness and capacity building for riskrelated situations.
17.Enactmentof an enabling law for the national natural gas industry. Foster thedevelopment of the midstream natural industry in a bid to strengthen Philippineenergy security by diversifying the country\'s primary sources of energy andpromoting the role of natural gas as a complementary fuel to variable renewableenergy.
18.Amendmentsto the electric power industry reform act. Improve the implementation of theloss provisions and enhance its effectiveness to address the high cost ofelectricity alleged market collusion and insufficient power supply. The billseeks to restructure the energy regulation commission to foster accountabilityand improve commission’s governments system that would ensure consumerprotection and enhance competitive operation of the electricity market.
19.Amendmentsto the build operate transfer law. Improve implementations of the public andprivate partnership program and direct desired output and outcomes in line withthe strategic development target of the country.

DSC00016.jpg 宿务拉普拉普市市长陈纳德夫妻与同样来自宿务新科众议员瑞亚·古拉斯的合影。陈纳德夫妇和古拉斯夫妇同样套用了丈夫市长、妻子众议员的夫妻店模式。
  To my fellowcountrymen, I know that the last two years gave us the hardships. I also knowthat each of you do whatever you can to survive in this global crisis. I do notintend to diminish the risks and the challenges that we face in these turbulenttimes in global history and yet I see sunlight filtering though these darkclouds. We have assembled the best filipino minds to help navigate us to thisglobal crisis that we are facing. We will endure. Let the filipino spirit everremain undimmed. I know it in my mind, my heart and my soul. The state of thenation is sound.

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