
Notice on the Online Chinese Visa system

时间:2021-5-8 10:09 1 4506 | 复制链接 |


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  According to work-ar rangements ,from 10 May 2021, the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines will start the online visa application system and appointment system:
  1, All visa applicants are required to fill in the online application form on the website of China Online Visa Application (COVA): https://cova.cs.mfa.gov.cn. After completion, please print out the online application forms and sign the confirmation page, which shall be brought along with other visa application documents to our consular office. From 10 June 2021, previously used Visa Application Form of the People’s Republic of China shall be no longer accepted.
  2, Ordinary passport holders are required to book appointments on the website of Appointment for Visa Application Submission (AVAS): https://avas.cs.mfa.gov.cn and submit the applications to our consular office on the date of appointment. The Embassy will cease accepting applications without appointments.
  Diplomatic, official passport holders could complete and print out the online application forms and make appointments via email in advance.
  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the special temporary visa policy has been implemented. For details, please refer to the Notice on the Temporary Suspension of Entry into China. The system of Appointment for Visa Application Submission (AVAS) is temporarily not open for appointments now.
  3, For visa inquiries:
  Email: [email protected]
  Hotline: 0927-5029218 (English&Tagalog, 9AM-11AM, 2PM-4PM from Monday to Friday, except public holidays)



James123123 发表于 2021-5-9 16:25 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 新加坡
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