YS99h3 发表于 2022-3-3 09:28



azz3321 发表于 2022-3-4 11:50

现在的大学生和33年前的大学生不一样,现在的大多部分都是pink pink ,可能这些人出来工作几年招到社会的毒打了才可能理性看待吧

qq398740233 发表于 2022-3-3 09:57

Rational patriotism of college students must understand politics
patriotism of youth
College students are very concerned about politics. In the more than 30 years of my work, countless major events have happened at home and abroad. Whenever it comes to our country, some college students show great patriotic enthusiasm.
This is a good thing. If young intellectuals in a country don't care about the future and destiny of the country, the country will really have no future. Therefore, college students must be concerned about politics. However, the issue of politics is much more complicated than some daily life issues, especially some political issues related to the fundamental interests of the country. If not handled properly, it will affect the overall situation of the country. College students are patriotic, which should be fully affirmed, but when confronted with major political issues, first of all, they must be calm, think carefully, and must not be emotional.

MANRAI 发表于 2022-3-4 02:09


?黑的一匹 发表于 2022-3-5 01:06

azz3321 发表于 2022-03-04 11:50
现在的大学生和33年前的大学生不一样,现在的大多部分都是pink pink ,可能这些人出来工作几年招到社会的毒打了才可能理性看待吧

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查看完整版本: 大学生理性爱国要懂政治